Your August Forecast

Hello all! Below are universal messages for what to expect in the month of August depending on the pair of cards you chose. 


Pairing # 1- Keep Moving, Justice Will Be Served: 

Expect that during this time, the truth will come to light and justice will be served. If you’ve been waiting for a situation to settle itself out and come to a final judgment, your time has come. With this being said, be prepared to hold yourself accountable for your actions in regards to the situation as well. The issue will restore its balance and those involved will be treated justly. It’s important here to acknowledge that your truth may not be the most accurate version. There are three sides to every story. Your side, your opponent’s side, and the TRUTH. Be prepared to come face to face with reality and accept whatever is to come from the situation, as it is an honest judgement. The “Go For It” angel card shows up to remind you that your current approach is successful in achieving that most honest outcome. Don’t change your behavior. Continue down this path. 

Pairing #2- Give Priority to Emotional Health: 

Currently, negative emotions and heavy feelings are preventing you from your growth. It’s time to prioritize your emotional well-being. You’ve been receiving intuitive messages in regards to how to solve this emotional blockage, but you aren’t noticing them, or perhaps you are, and you just aren’t following their guidance. You subconsciously know what decisions you need to make in order to achieve inner peace. Follow your gut instinct and make the appropriate changes. Do not let anything prevent you from taking action. Your goal for August should be to release your emotional burdens to the universe and ask for continued guidance in order to find optimism and hope once more.

Pairing # 3- Opportunity Plot Twist: 

Your prayers will be answered, but in a way you do not expect. What appears to be an issue, is that answered prayer. You are going to begin a new venture, whether it be a new job or new project, you are embracing your creativity to its fullest. Don’t be hesitant about this change. This is a crucial part of the plan. Approach this new endeavor with confidence, excitement, and passion. Be willing to leave behind or put whatever is not in support of this venture on pause until you reach fulfillment in this area. This venture will take priority for now, and that is in the best interest of the greater good. 

I hope your messages were insightful and assist you in navigating through the unknown month ahead. 2020 has certainly been unpredictable to say the least, and I hope this universal guidance has given you a bit of preparation on your way into August!

Blessed Be - Kenz 

Kenz Farland