4 Skincare Don'ts

Keep these in mind the next time you’re evaluating your skincare routine!

  1. Exfoliating Daily

    Exfoliating is important to maintaining dewy, hydrated-looking skin, but there is definitely such a thing as over exfoliating. Exfoliating regularly will help all other skincare products absorb more efficiently and makeup apply smoother and last longer. However, exfoliating too harshly or too often can damage the skin barrier, causing inflammation, redness and loss of hydration.


2. Not wearing sunscreen.

Even on cloudy days, no matter what the season, the single best thing you can do for your skin is to apply sunscreen. Aside from the obvious benefit of avoiding skin cancer, applying sunscreen will also prevent sunspots, wrinkles and other signs of premature aging.

3. Using Expired Products

Aside from losing their efficacy, expired products can cause a long list of problems. Skin irritation, bacterial infections, breakouts and allergic reactions are just a few. People will sensitive skin should be extra close attention to how long they keep their products.

4. Changing Products Frequently

Something you’ll hear us say all the time at Shimmer is that when switching to a new skincare product, you have to allow it time to work. You’ll never see the full results and benefits after using a product just a few times. Although you will probably find that your go-to skincare products will change with the seasons, you could be doing more harm than good if you are constantly trying new things without allowing any of them time to work!

Katherine Lowe