Let's Talk Hydration

I'm sure your fitness coaches remind you all the time about the importance of drinking water. The list of benefits is seemingly endless. Feeling tired? Drink water. Have a headache? Drink water. Poor digestion? Drink water.

What gets more complicated however, is the role water plays in skin health and the difference between dehydrated skin and dry skin. 

Dehydrated skin is a skin condition that occurs when there is a lack of water in the skin. This can affect people with any skin type. People with dehydrated skin typically experience dull skin, under eye darkness, itchiness and loss of elasticity which can lead to premature signs of aging. Let's be clear, aging is a completely natural and expected part of life and not something to be ashamed of. However, if there are healthy steps you can take to keep your skin as youthful looking for as long as possible, who doesn't want that?

Dry skin however, is a skin type. People with dry skin have noticeable redness and irritation, flaky patches and a higher occurrence of issues like psoriasis and eczema. Your skin under produces oil, which unfortunately is something you have no control over.

Just as you would expect, dehydrated skin and dry skin need to be treated differently. There actually is a big difference between hydrating your skin and moisturizing your skin. An easy way to remember is that hydrating products increase the water content in your skin and moisturizing products are all about locking that moisture in. So, the next time you're looking for skincare, be sure to dig deeper into the root of any skin issues you're facing, in order to find the best treatment. It'll definitely pay off in the long run!

Katherine Lowe