Skincare Steps You Can Take While Watching Netflix

If having a skincare routine sounds completely intimidating to you right now, I get it. Although some find this ritual to be a relaxing form of self-care, some are having enough trouble keeping up with the ins and outs of daily life, that the thought of having even one more thing to do is anxiety inducing. Try to keep in mind that there are simple tasks you can accomplish even while streaming your favorite series, that actually make a big difference in the long run!

  1. Clean your makeup brushes and sponges.

    Not only will your makeup apply better, but your skin will thank you, too. Dirty brushes and sponges can harbor bacteria and cause breakouts.

  2. Swap out your pillowcase.

    We highly recommend the satin pillowcases by Kitsch to help reduce hair frizz and your chance of having breakouts. No matter what case you’re using though, changing it regularly is important!

  3. Apply a face mask.

    There are masks for every skincare concern now! Leaving a mask on for a quick 10-15 minutes while you work around the house can hydrate your skin, clear up breakouts, exfoliate or even all three!

  4. Toss expired products.

    Ever noticed on the back of most products, there’s a symbol of an open bottle with a number in it? That represents the number of months after a product as been opened that it is safe to use. After the expiration date, products can become less effective, irritate skin and harbor mold and bacteria. Next time you’ve got New Girl on in the background, give your products a quick glance.

Katherine Lowe