The Spring Cleaning Steps You're Probably Forgetting

It’s that time of year! The time when the darkness of Winter finally dissipates and sunny days inspire you to clean EVERYTHING! At least you think you’re cleaning everything! Here’s a list of the Spring Cleaning items you’ve probably left off your list.

  1. The Washing Machine

    This is one almost everyone forgets, considering the main purpose of the appliance it to clean other things. Leftover detergent and other residue can build up inside your machine. This isn’t an every use chore, or even a weekly chore, but definitely something to keep in mind seasonally.

  2. Stripping Your Bath Towels

    Build up of leftover detergent and other residues strikes again! For the softest bath towels ever, stripping them every so often is a must! It’s easier than you think, too. Just soak them in hot water with a bleach-alternative and scented vinegar for 4-5 hours. Toss them in a rinse-only cycle and finish in the dryer. That’s all!

  3. Cleaning Your Makeup Brush and Sponges

    This is one we talk about often, for obvious reasons! Clean makeup brushes and sponges will apply makeup better, help products last longer and remove bacteria which leads to fewer breakouts.

  4. Your Garbage Cans.

    I know, I know. This is where we toss the dirty things, right? Hear me out. Every throw out your trash and feel like there’s still a lingering odor? Most people usually open a window, light a candle or just ignore it until it dissipates. It could be the inside of your garbage can itself. Again, this isn’t something you need to worry about super often, but deep cleaning your bin will make life easier down the road.

Katherine Lowe