International Women's Day 2020

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we’re putting a spin on our regular series “Women who Inspire.” This time, we’ve asked several different women in a range of occupations and ages to share with us one piece of advice they would share with their younger self. I’ll start things off!


“Embrace change and don’t force things. Things won’t work out the way you planned, but they’ll be so much better” ~ Katherine Lowe, Owner of Shimmer

“I would tell my younger self to stop fearing failure. I didn’t do a lot of things because I was afraid I wasn’t going to succeed. I would have started this business a long time ago.” ~ Kalynne DeMelo, Owner of The MadLila

“I would tell my younger self to not second guess my decisions, trust my gut and to not be afraid to accept praise because I deserve it. Also, I would tell myself that my older sister is always right.” ~ Sarah G. Kocur, Owner, Designer and Creator • LOVEmoda

“Do what makes you happy, stop worrying about what others will think. It’s your life and you need to live for it- no one else.” Attorney Tara George

“Embrace the fact that not everyone is going to like you. It means you're being true to yourself.” ~ Lara Harrington, Co-Owner of Boutique Fitness

“If I could give advice to my younger self it would be to lighten up. Take a deep breath, stop worrying so much and enjoy the moments.” ~ Angela Corrieri-Johnson, Co-Owner of Boutique Fitness

“Worry less and live in the moment.” ~ Leila Teixeira Moreno, Owner of The Found Treasures Home Decor

“I wish I could tell teenager/early 20’s Kate to wear more SPF and consistently use a quality facial moisturizer. I’m paying for the tan-is-cute mentality now!” ~ Kate Sitarz, Freelance Copywriter

"Don't be afraid to say yes to opportunity or no when you've hit your limit." ~ Gigi Yassine and Kayla Doyla, Co-Owners of The Barre New Bedford

“Save your money! Try not to spend on all the frivolous things you think you need but really don’t...Although that Louis Vuitton Speedy Bag was well worth the 25th birthday splurge!” ~ Jamie O’Neil, History Teacher

“I would tell my younger self not to waste so much time worrying about what other people think. Be confident in who you are. If you’re kind and respectful to yourself and others, you’re already growing into the person you need to be.” Casey McNamara Cutting, Co-Founder of Scuttlebutt Coffee Co.

“Learn, grow and focus on what your true passions are telling you - your gut won’t lie. If you encounter failure along the way, know that it’s part of the journey and it’s not a reflection of your strength or success. Don’t get caught up in the mistakes - they are nothing to be ashamed of and this is just life’s way of redirecting your compass.” Laura Parrish, Design Director & Airbnb Owner

“Stay true to who you are and confidently chase your dreams. Uplift and empower like-minded, ambitious women because there is room for everyone to succeed.” Attorney Christine Colella

“I’d tell young me to go out there and make more mistakes. I’d tell her not to be afraid of judgement or how silly she’d look or if she’d fail, but to just go out there and try it all. That mistakes are just lessons called by another name.” ~ Jen Gerbino, Property Master

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