Wait, what day is it?

We’ve posted many times before about the different forms of self-care, but it has never felt more relevant than it does right now. We’re used to finding ways to work self-care into our daily routines, not trying to fill entire days (and days and days) with anxiety reducing activities. It’s different this time. We’re trying to process what’s happening, while also losing our routine and if you’re anything like me, routine is important. These are unprecedented times, so none of us are experts on this. Here is a list of what I am finding helpful at this time though! Feel free to leave a comment with your own suggestions! I also could use some Netflix suggestions!

  1. Limit your news consumption - Notice I’m not saying you should stop watching or reading the news entirely. It is still important to stay informed, but everyone has their limit. I’ve certainly noticed a lot of the same information being repeated, but that’s not to say there wasn’t some new information mixed in there. Recognize when you’ve had enough. I do enjoy a daily dose of Anderson Cooper though


2. Confide in a trusted friend - It is absolutely normal to be feeling extra stressed right now. Talking it out with a friend can be immensely helpful, just make sure you go to someone who isn’t going to make it worse. The conspiracy theorist hunkered down in their basement with their survival kits probably isn’t the best person to turn to right now.

3. Get moving - Lounging on the couch is incredibly appealing right now and there’s definitely time for that. Rest is important and many of us haven’t gotten enough in a very long time. Just make sure you mix in some physical activity, too. The bike path around Fort Tabor has been my savior this week! (Yes, you can still be outside.) Also, both The Barre and Boutique Fitness are offering online versions of their services.

4. Up your skincare game - Now is the time to give your skin the break it needs from makeup. Break out that cleanser, toner, serum…all the products you haven’t given enough love lately. My top suggestion: If you don’t regularly exfoliate your skin, start now!

5. Take a bath - We’ve written about this before. There are SO many benefits to taking regular baths. Refer back to our previous posts if you need a refresh, but most importantly right now, they are great for reducing stress.

6. Send someone a self-care package - Doing something for someone else can be incredibly rewarding. A lovely customer gave me this idea earlier in the week. She put together care packages for relatives as a thank you, but this could definitely apply to anyone right now! We are still shipping, so head to the website and pick out a new product that’ll make a special person feel good and we’ll ship it directly to them!

I cannot stress this last one enough…

7. NETFLIX - There is no shame in binge watching. Sometimes you just need a distraction. Whether you want to laugh or be consumed by a psychological thriller, practically anything you want is on Netflix. Rewatch an old favorite like “New Girl.” I just started “The Stranger.” Not sure about it yet…but I’ll keep you posted. You know what show I was pleasantly surprised by? Lucifer. Google Tom Ellis now. Grace and Frankie is hysterical. Feel free to tell me in the comments which one you are!

Thank you all for your support during this scary time! I know dNB will come back stronger than ever after this!

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